자바스크립트 Objectjavascript 2020. 5. 22. 03:47
/** * Objects and properties */ //Object literal var john = { firstName : 'John', lastName : 'Smith', birthYear : 1990, family : ['Jane', 'Mark', 'Bob', 'Emily'], job : 'teacher', isMarried : false } console.log(john.firstName); console.log(john['lastName']); //이런 식으로 접근하는 것도 가능하다. var x = 'birthYear'; console.log(john['birthYear']); john.job = 'designer'; console.log(john['job']); john['isMarried'] = true; console.log(john.isMarried); // new Object syntax var jane = new Object(); jane.firstName = "Jane"; jane.birthYear = 1969; jane['lastName'] = 'Smith' console.log(jane);
오브젝트 안에 메소드를 정의할 수도 있다.
var mark = { firstName : "Mark", lastName : "mark", mass : 70, height : 1.75, BMICalc : function(){ return this.mass / (this.height * this.height); } }
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