자바스크립트 예제javascript 2020. 5. 22. 01:28
자바스크립트를 이용해
1)음식값을 입력받고
2)음식의 가격범주에 따라 팁을 정하고
3)음식값과 팁을 합쳐
4)각각의 총합 (총 음식값, 총 팁, 음식과 팁을 합친 값의 총계)를 보여주는 예제를 만들어 보았다.
Udemy - The Complete JavaScript Course 2020 : Build Real Projects!과정의 Challenge3 과정이다. 아래 코드에 문제와 내가 해결한 답을 모두 적었다.
/***************************** * CODING CHALLENGE 3 */ /* John and his family went on a holiday and went to 3 different restaurants. The bills were $124, $48 and $268. To tip the waiter a fair amount, John created a simple tip calculator (as a function). He likes to tip 20% of the bill when the bill is less than $50, 15% when the bill is between $50 and $200, and 10% if the bill is more than $200. In the end, John would like to have 2 arrays: 1) Containing all three tips (one for each bill) 2) Containing all three final paid amounts (bill + tip). (NOTE: To calculate 20% of a value, simply multiply it with 20/100 = 0.2) GOOD LUCK 😀 */ function tipRateCalculator(bill){ var tipRate; console.log("tipRateCalculator - bill : ",bill); switch(true){ case bill >= 0 && bill<50 : return tipRate = 0.2; case bill >= 50 && bill < 200 : return tipRate = 0.15; case bill >=200 : return tipRate = 0.1; } } function tipCalculator(bill){ var tip = bill*tipRateCalculator(bill); return tip; } function makeTotalBillArray(){ var totalBillArray = new Array; do{ var billQ = parseInt(prompt("please insert bill")); totalBillArray.push(billQ); var question = confirm('Continue?'); }while(question); return totalBillArray; } function makeTipArray(billArray){ var tipArray = new Array; billArray.forEach(bill => { var tip = tipCalculator(bill); tipArray.push(tip); }); return tipArray; } function billAddTip(billArray, tipArray){ var calculateBillArray = new Array; for(var i = 0; i < billArray.length; i++){ var added = billArray[i] + tipArray[i]; calculateBillArray.push(added); } return calculateBillArray; } function makeCalculatedBillArray(){ var totalBillArray = makeTotalBillArray(); var tipArray = makeTipArray(totalBillArray); var calculateBillArray = billAddTip(totalBillArray,tipArray); var totalArray = new Array; totalArray.push(totalBillArray); totalArray.push(tipArray); totalArray.push(calculateBillArray); return totalArray; } function makeTotal(array){ console.log("makeTotal",array); var total = new Number; array.forEach(element => { console.log(element); total += element; }); return total; } function staticsOfTotal(){ var totalArray = makeCalculatedBillArray(); var totalBill = makeTotal(totalArray[0]); var totalTip = makeTotal(totalArray[1]); var total = makeTotal(totalArray[2]); alert(`total Bill = ${totalBill}`); alert(`total Tip = ${totalTip}`); alert(`total = ${total}`); } staticsOfTotal();
참조 : Udemy - The Complete JavaScript Course 2020 : Build Real Projects!
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